Freshen Up the Air

Household odours are best tackled by removing them at the source. Many can be dealt with using only household products. Removing problem odours and their causes is always better than covering them up with aerosols and sprays, which mostly just conceal the symptoms.   Bathrooms Soak many smells up with baking soda. An open container […]

Ironing Tricks

Ironing was almost enjoyable when you patents first allowed you to try it. It became a dull chore shortly afterwards. A few tricks can save a lot of time when ironing.   Steam – Steam will get the wrinkles out of many garments.  As most of us don’t have a machine specifically designed for this […]

Avoiding Harmful Cleaning Ingredients

  Harmful Cleaning Ingredients We are always better of avoiding harmful ingredients that cause health or environmental problems. Some things to watch out for include: Sodium Hydroxide – This is a caustic agent used in metal, oven and drain cleaners. It is extremely harmful to skin and eyes; even its fumes cause irritation. Sodium Lauryl […]

Take it or Leave it when Moving Home

Moving   Moving Home – End of Lease Cleaning Clothing Now is a good time to look at what you do and do not wear. Keep items that you wear on a regular basis; keep a few formal suits and accessories; keep something if it has great sentimental value. There is always something to donate […]


HABITS OF CLEANER PEOPLE We want to have a clean house, but we weren’t born with the mixed blessing of an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD is more trouble than it is worth!). So we can either find miraculous ways to motivate ourselves, or we can take the lazier option and cultivate some good prevention and […]


  Indoor Air Pollution  We spend 90% of our lives indoor, a significant portion of that while asleep. Any polluted air can affect our health.   Some Common Sources of Indoor Air Pollution Are: New carpet. This will emit formaldehyde for several weeks, compromising our immune systems. Bi carb or soda, plates of cut onions […]